As a project, story, or dashboard owner, you can choose who and how you want other users to collaborate.
The viewer role does not have access to the ‘sharing’ options that Creators and Explorers have (described in this article). The only item a viewer can share is a story and this can only be shared via a direct link. Learn more.
The sharing pane opens when:
- Hover over an entity tile.
- Selecting the publish/share button when in a project.
In this article
- Entity Name
- User List
- User Search
- Owner Access
- Preview Access
- General Access
- Unlisted Access
- Clear all
- Save or Cancel
- Publish (Project)
- Publish state (Project)
- Tile list display
Harmoni Sharing Pane
1. Entity Name
At the top of the sharing pane, you can find the name of the entity you are sharing.
2. User List
People and groups, with whom you can share and collaborate, appear on the left.
- Only users registered for the site appear in the list of available users to publish to/share with.
- The list displayed is limited to users from the project owner's primary company.
- Users appear in groups.
- User names in orange indicate that a user is already part of a permission group.
3. User Search
You can search for a particular user by entering their name in the Search Users field.
Search looks for users in both the ‘all users’ list (left) and also the permission groups (right).
- Search acts like a shrink list as you begin typing.
- Matched results highlight in orange.
Permission Groups
4. Owner Access
Any person in this group has full ownership privileges for the entity. This includes full read/write access and the ability to change sharing/ownership permissions. By default, the original creator of the entity becomes the owner.
5. Preview Access
Any person in this group has read-only access to the project. Preview allows Project Owners to give decision-makers a view of the unpublished data and how it flows into stories and dashboards before the project is published to a wider audience. Users have access to the Project through the Shared with me entity menu, and can view the unpublished data via the Preview icon.
Users with Preview Access can also share constructions with other members of the group. Learn more here.
6. General Access
Any person in this group will see the entity in the Shared with me tile filter of the entity menu. Access is still limited to the privileges of their Harmoni role (Viewer, Explorer, Creator). Users will always be able to access the entity through the Shared with me entity menu view, but can also favorite the item to further control ease of access.
7. Unlisted Access
All users must have unlisted access as a minimum for them to see the data associated with your project in the stories and dashboards shared with them. You can give unlisted access to specific users or an entire group.
Users in this group can't access the entity (Project).
Stories and Dashboards
Any person in this group is able to access the entity (Stories/Dashboards), but only if they have/know the direct link or pathway to it. This will not show in the Shared with me tab. Users will still be able to favorite the item once they have accessed it via link.
8. Clear All
Clears all set user permissions (from display) but doesn't apply any changes unless you click the SAVE button (bottom right).
9. Save or Cancel
- Save applies all outcomes of the drag-n-drop permission group changes.
- Cancel abandons any changes made before clicking the SAVE button.
10. Publish (Project)
Click the PUBLISH button to publish the project (or data that feeds Stories, Dashboards, and Alerts) to users in all permission groups. You must publish the project for users in the permission groups to see the project. If users cannot see the project, check they are in the correct permission group AND the project has been published.
Once you determine the level of access, make sure you SAVE before you Publish the project.
11. Publish state (Project)
For project sharing/publishing, you can find information on the last date/time that the project was published, or if this project has not been published yet.
12. Tile list display
When an entity tile is Shared (using the hover-over feature) the entity tile display will change to move all tiles to the left-hand side of the entity menu.
This left-hand display retains all the filtering and searching capabilities offered in the full tile view (along with dot-menu access). This allows to quickly navigate to other entity tiles to provide sharing permissions. To return to the main entity tile display, use the back button that appears top left next to the sort dropdown.
The active entity being shared has a border around the tile to indicate that it is the active item.
The right-hand side displays the sharing features and functions.
Where to from here?
Learn more about Harmoni