Harmoni entities are the key work areas of Harmoni and provide a fast way to access the important entities within the Harmoni environment. Entity access/display is limited to your role (e.g., Creator, Explorer, Viewer) or site configuration.
Harmoni's key entities include Projects, Stories, Dashboards, and Alerts.
In this article
Harmoni Entities
1. Entity Menu/Curtain
Clicking one of the entity areas opens a curtain overlay and presents various options to load, manage or share the entities within Harmoni.
The display of options will be contextual to the entity area; however, there are standard actions and capabilities shared across all the entities.
To close the entity:
- Click on the entity name.
- Click in the space just below the overlay curtain.
- Click on the X at the top right.
2. Entity Search
You can search for a specific project, story, dashboard, etc.
Typing in the search box limits the list displayed to only those items that contain the search parameter. This search is based on the title of the entity.
3. Entity Sort
A drop-down list selector allows you to sort projects, stories, dashboards, etc.
The entities can be sorted by:
Alphabetical Name.
Most Recent
The most recently created item.
4. Entity Tiles
The entity tile gives you information about the item (name, type, ownership) and a few interactions/hover options to manage or view/load.
- Items you own display the icon
- Items shared with you display the icon
Hovering over these icons will also show you the entity's owner(s) name.
5. Tile Display Filter
Use the tile display filter to show only/all entities based on ownership, favorite, or shared states.
Owned by me
Any item you have ownership for (either solely or shared ownership).
Items that you have added to ‘your favorites’.
Shared with me
Items that have been shared with you for read-only/export access.
Selecting the ‘All’ option shows all available items (for the chosen entity area) irrespective of their other categorization.
Default Tile Display Filter
Harmoni defaults to Owned by me. You can change the default by hovering over your preferred option and clicking on the star. The orange star indicates your new default.
Your preference can be different across entities.
6. Tile Interactions
a) Hover over a tile to load/view or share
b) Use the 3-dot menu to display contextual options to the entity tile.