After you have dragged items from the project tree to the analysis pane, you will have data results displayed.
- If this is a single item, it will show the results of that item.
- A table is drawn (cross-tab) if it is crossed with another.
When a more complex table is created, a contextual green arrow appears in the top-left cell of that table. Clicking it presents a list of options that can be applied. These might include nest/unNest, grid, stack, and switch.
If the arrow is on the bottom left, it controls the down dimension. If the arrow appears on the top right, it controls the across dimension of the table.
In this article
1. Analysis Table Options
When relevant, table options become available by clicking on the green triangle in the top-left cell of the table.
a) Nest and unNest
Nest adds another layer/dimension to the analysis.
- Two levels of nesting are supported.
- Unnest changes from nesting to stacking multiple variables in the dimension.
- When selecting a subset of elements, you need to add them to your analysis. The nest option will then become available.
- Nest is not available for Measures or Grid items.
b) Switch
Switch inverts the nesting; the outer axis becomes the inner axis.
c) Stack
If a grid, or a series of axes with similar elements, are being analyzed, they default into a grid view where the axis labels are in one dimension, and the element labels are in the other. Stack brings the elements back into the same dimension as the axis.
d) Flip
The option Flip analysis, under layout, allows you to flip the analysis so what was across moves into the down dimension, and vice versa. This has the same functionality as clicking on the by between the across and down dimensions in the analysis title.
Remember that percentage calculations change when manipulating the layout of your table. By looking at the table information, you can easily see the base applied to the analysis. Learn more about bases in your analysis.
e) Grid
If a grid, or a series of axes with similar elements, are being analyzed, they default into a grid view where the axis labels are in one dimension, and the element labels are in the other.
As you explore your data it is quite common to uncover scenarios where questions have common answers. In order to give flexibility over how these are displayed, you can decide if they would like to see these sequentially in a 'stacked form' or to combine these 'grouped together' into a grid.
When the grid is in its "stacked form" you cannot switch the nesting if there is no axis in the opposite direction.
Adding an axis into the across or down (i.e., opposite direction) enables the switch option.
2. Select multiple items in a table
Clicking on each row or column header will select items independently. However, when you are working with big tables, this can be cumbersome.
Select multiple adjacent rows and/or columns using the shift-click function. You can apply an action to the selected items or even hide them from the view entirely.
Click on one item, hold the SHIFT key (Windows), and then click on another item. All the items in that range are selected.
While CTRL-Click is not supported, clicking an individual row or column will still add this to the selected range. Multiple-item selection is currently available in tables but not in graphs.
Where to from here?
Learn more about analysis in Harmoni.
- Analysis default settings
- Using variable types in analysis
- Change calculation types in your analysis