commentary, free form
When analyzing a verbatim variable with open-ended text, Harmoni lets you dive deeper into these respondent comments. Create word clouds, filter by specific words, or leverage other project variables to refine your analysis.
In this article
1. Analyzing Verbatims
Drag and drop a verbatim variable into the down drop zone to create a table of the verbatim comments. A word cloud is also available.
- Drag the verbatim to the down drop zone
- Use the arrows to expand either the table or the word cloud
- Export the verbatim table to Excel
- Export the word cloud to PowerPoint.
2. Filtering Verbatims
There are two options for filtering verbatims. You can...
- Filter using the word cloud or type the text
- Use the filter drop zone
Filter using the Word Cloud or type the text
Once you have dragged in a verbatim variable you can choose to filter the verbatims by specific words to narrow the list of comments. Click on a word in the word cloud or type the text into the search bar.
- Click a word in the word cloud and the text appears in the search bar.
- The list of verbatims is narrowed to show the comments containing the word.
- The word cloud also updates.
- Click another word to add it to the search bar.
- Use the X to clear the search.
- Type directly into the search bar and press enter to filter the comments.
Use the filter drop zone
Once you have dragged in the verbatim variable, you can then drag a standard axis to the filter drop zone to filter the comments. For example, drag Gender to the filter drop zone to see the results based the different gender elements.
- Drag Gender to the filter drop zone.
- Change the filter in the interactive title.
- Add another filter if required.
- You can also click the word cloud to filter by the text.
Where to from here?
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