In Harmoni, a project contains different items or variable types; these include:
1. Headings
You can use headings to create logical groupings of variables and ease navigation.
- Headings are inserted using edit/add heading from the design menu. Learn more.
- During first-pass automation, Learn more about Automation. headings are created to group measures together.
- You can expand headings by clicking on the text or the arrowhead.
- Headings are not used in analyses.
In your Project tree, Harmoni displays headings in the following format:
2. Standard Axes
A standard axis is a discrete variable with elements for each response. An axis contains elements that group data records. For market research data, an axis is typically a question. Elements are typically a response or answer to a question.
Single Response Axis
- Each record is only included in one element of an axis, for example, Gender.
Multiple Response Axis
- A record is included in more than one element of an axis; for example, Brand Consumed.
In your Project Tree, Harmoni displays Axes in the following format:
An element in an axis may have no data associated with it (i.e., zero/missing counts). If a standard axis has over 250 elements, elements with zero/missing counts will be suppressed in the project tree.
An element in an axis can have a value associated with it. Values allow sums and averages to be calculated across the different elements.
Any standard axis can be flagged as being a date. Analysis with an axis with a date flag in the across will result in a line graph, with time sliders, when visualized.
Learn more about Project Design.
3. Linked Axes
A linked axis is a discrete variable constructed Learn more about constructions. from a measure in Harmoni. A linked axis has a one-to-one relationship with the measure from which it was created.
Linked elements are created for each unique value in the measure. The maximum number of elements generated can be set using personalization keys.
In your Project Tree, Harmoni displays linked Axes and linked elements in the following format:
Linked axes can be flagged as a date variable. Analysis with an axis with a date flag in the across will result in a line graph, with time sliders, when visualized.
4. Grids
Grids are used to group standard axes with a common element list.
- Grids are automatically created during first-pass automation if...
- >=80% of the labels for the variables are common or
- >=80% of the elements are common.
Harmoni looks at the wording of the questions to apply an appropriate label for the grid heading.
- The default term "Elements" is used for the element set unless a previous manual label change has been used previously for an element set containing 100% commonality.
Grids can also be created using the add grid option from the grid menu under the design pane.
In your Project Tree, Harmoni displays Grids in the following format:
5. Measures
Measures are used to analyze continuous variables. Measures contain numerical values.
- Each data record may or may not have a value in a measure.
- Measures can only contain one value for each data record.
- Data records with missing values The numerical value representing a missing value is 3.4e38. are not included in any analysis of a measure.
Harmoni displays Measures in the following format in your project tree.
6. Measure Group
Measure groups combine a group of measures that are logically linked together. Measure groups look like an axis, but they contain numerical values.
When grouped, each measure becomes an element of the measure group.
Harmoni displays measures groups in the following format in your project tree.
Learn more about Measure Groups.
7. Weights
Weight is a continuous variable with numerical values.
- Weights are used to adjust the proportionality of the data records.
- Weights have the same structure as a measure.
- Any respondent with a missing value in the weight is not included in the weighted counts.
Harmoni displays weights in the following format in your project tree.
8. Verbatims
Verbatims contain raw text, i.e., uncoded responses.
- Verbatims are used to analyze open-ended text.
- In verbatims, each data record can only have one response.
- Currently, items in a verbatim cannot be changed into another type, nor can other types be changed into a verbatim.
Harmoni displays verbatims in the following format in your project tree.
Where to from here?
Learn more about variable types in Harmoni.