When filters are available in your analysis, stories, or dashboard, you have the option to pin them during your session, for a more fluid investigation, viewing, or reporting process. Making a filter stick, means you can keep creating analyses or changing views, without needing to keep adding the same filter.
In this article
1. How to pin a filter
When interacting with a story view that has filters available, you have the option to pin selected filters.
You can pin filters in a view in your story or pin a filter for a view on a dashboard page (e.g. a chart).
You can find the available filters using the select menu. You can then choose the filters you want to set and pin.
- Select the relevant filter you want to pin.
- Click on the pin.
Pinned filters continue to apply in all subsequent views until removed or when you end your Harmoni session.
Pinned filters are sticky during your session.
To zoom in on this GIF, right click and open in a new tab
2. Using pinned filters in Stories
Change filters for all story views in one move.
You can change filters in a story view by first loading the view , and then pinning the filter. When you navigate to the rest of that story you will see this pinned filter automatically applied to all views. With this pinned filter in place, when you load other stories from the same project, the pinned filter is also applied.
The pinned filter is cleared when you end your session in Harmoni, or unpin the filter.
- Load a story view.
- Select and pin your filter(s).
- Pinned filters are set for the entire story.
Export a story with pinned filters
When you pin filters into a story and export to Excel or PowerPoint, the export inherits the pinned state of any filters applied.
Duplicate a story with pinned filters
When you duplicate a story with pinned filters, the new story saves with the pinned filters active. Once you end the session or unpin the filter, the duplicated story displays the filter as a default filter.
3. Pinned Filters with Time Filters
Pinned filters do not work with time period filters as the 'Last Period Filter' takes priority for views that have a time filter.
You can pin additional or earlier time periods in one view of a Story or Dashboard, but when you move to the next view or chart, it won't retain the pinned filter for different time periods.
When designing a dashboard, you need to consider whether it's more important that you can pin time periods other than the last time period, or if you always need the last time period to show.
- This story has 3 views with a month time filter in each view.
- Load the first view and pin 3 months of data.
- Moving to the next view shows that only the last period filter (Mar-20) is still pinned.
- Any view with the time filter will only retain the pin for the last period filter
Where to from here?
Learn more about filters.