Harmoni distinguishes between published and unpublished versions of a project. Depending on whether you are a Project Owner, Creator, or Explorer, you can view different versions of the project using the preview mode.
- A published project is a public version of the project that all users see.
- An unpublished project is a private version of the project usually reserved for the Project Owner.
Preview is a view-only mode - you cannot make any changes to the data while in preview.
In this article
- Preview for Project Owners
Enable Preview Mode Access for Creator, Explorers, and Viewers - Preview for Creators, Explorers, and Viewers
1. Preview for Project Owners
As a Project Owner, you always see the project's latest version. When you make changes to a project or load new data, before you publish the project, you see an unpublished (private) version of the project that only you (and other shared Owners) can see.
As you update a project, you may need to view the published (public) version of the project. To see the published version, click on the eye icon in the global navigation bar. The eye turns orange when preview mode is active.
In the example below, new data is added. The wave element updates, along with other axes in the project.
- Click the preview icon, which turns orange, and check the published version of the project.
- The icon toggles easily between the published and unpublished projects enabling you to review any changes.
Notice that this is the reverse of what a Creator or Explorer experiences. When they click the preview icon, they see the project's unpublished (private) version. Learn about Preview for Creators, Explorers, and Viewers below.
All Project Owners automatically see the preview icon when they create a project or when ownership is shared with them.
Enable Preview Mode Access for Creator, Explorers, and Viewers
The project owner can grant Creators, Explorers, and Viewers data preview access.
Project owners can grant access through the sharing pane in the same way a project is shared.
- Access the sharing pane through the Project entity tile or the publish/share button.
- Drag and drop users into the Preview Access drop zone.
- All users in this zone who also have the personalization key enabled, will see the preview icon when accessing the project.
- Note: A Viewer will not see the project tree but would see the unpublished data that feeds a story that is shared with them.
2. Preview for Creators, Explorers and Viewers
Preview allows Project Owners to give decision-makers and interested parties a view of unpublished data and how that data flows into stories and dashboards before the project is published to a wider audience.
To access preview mode, click on the eye icon in the global navigation bar. The eye will turn orange when preview mode is active.
As a Creator or Explorer, when you are in preview mode, you will see the unpublished project tree and data that the Project Owner sees, including any unpublished updates such as new data. Turn preview mode off, and you see the published project.
Viewers can also access the preview icon, which gives them access to stories in preview mode. Viewers cannot see the project tree.
While in preview mode, you can create a new analysis and save to stories using the new data. Please note that if you use any new items that have not previously been published, the views may become invalid.
While in preview mode, you cannot create new items or alter the design of the project as the design menu is not available. Only the Project Owner can make changes to an unpublished project.
Where to from here?
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