The select menu is an easy way to interact with items you have dragged into the analysis area. You choose what things are displayed in your view.
For Creators, reporting delivery guardrails can be applied on selector items when saving an analysis.
In this article
1. Select menu
The select menu appears when you click on the interactive title or when you click directly on select in the menu bar.
By default, the select menu will open on top of your table. You can move it to the right side of the analysis pane by clicking on the arrow next to recent items.
Manipulate the current view by toggling the checkboxes on and off or changing the selection, filter, or display by adding or removing other items to your analysis. This saves the time of trying to locate the items in the project tree and allows you to work with popular items more fluidly.
You can also change the percentage base direction from down to across (row percentages) in the select menu.
When adding multiple axes with shared elements into a filter, the select option grids these items within the filter. If you need to filter these axes one by one, add them one at a time. Learn more here.
Recent items
Clicking select will open the list of analysis items currently selected in the analysis view, along with all recent analysis items. All selections are 'recent' until you reset or clear the analysis.
- Items can be included/excluded from the analysis by using the select menu and using the drop boxes.
- Elements from a grid appear in the same selector as the grid’s axes even if they are being graphed in a different dimension.
You can expand and collapse recent items as well as each axis and interact with the elements within it. You also have the option to Deselect all or Select all elements.
The add/replace feature in the selectors allow the selector to toggle between being a single item selector (i.e., replace) and a multiple item selector (i.e., add)
In add mode, you see tick boxes next to the available selections, while in replace mode you see radio buttons.
2. Select Tips
- All items included in an analysis remain available in select until the analysis view is reset or cleared.
- All items in select are available for inclusion in the across, down, and filter unless limited through the select settings. This is useful when saving an analysis to a story and others will be accessing your story.
The following scenarios apply to Stories (saved analyses) where data is updated.
- Drag in an axis to the analysis and new elements subsequently added to the axis will flow into the analysis.
- Drag in a heading to the analysis and new axes subsequently added to the heading will flow into the analysis.
- Drag in just a subset of axes from a heading, and axes will not flow into the analysis.
- Drag in just a subset of elements, and new elements will not flow into the analysis.
- Hide some items in your analysis, and new items will flow in as hidden.
3. Guardrails on selectors
Guardrails reduce the chance of people looking at data that might not be relevant to their decision-making needs. They ensure that everyone is basing decisions or generating insights from the most relevant information.
Guardrails limit the selection for a shared, saved analysis. This allows creators and explorers to save default and preferred settings to a saved analysis so that a viewer audience has a targeted and optimal interaction experience. Guardrails are particularly useful to those creating reporting deliveries, so that selection options are limited to those applicable or essential to their audience.
You can place items into the across (columns), down (rows), or filter combinations when exploring data. This feature tracks these combinations that you have created so that when the Save View Icon + is clicked to save your analysis, it will adhere to the combinations that you have created. Items that are in use for the across or down will now be an available option as a filter for any saved stories or dashboards.
You can decide which selection interactions will be available to your audience through settings in the select menu.
Click the Settings icon and Harmoni will display all of the selected items that will be available in the saved view. You then can adjust the usage options for that item, controlling the availability in the across, down, and filter. There is also the option to edit the Total label.
Harmoni selects some logical defaults which can also be overridden in the Settings menu.
All settings will be retained when a view is saved into a story.
Show new elements
When you add an axis to an analysis and use the select menu to control the elements you see, you can also control whether any new elements flow into subsequent data updates through the Settings menu.
- Drag in the axis and make your element selections from the Select menu.
- Open the Settings menu and from the options under the axis name, you can see the option to Show new elements. Tick the checkbox if you want new elements included in your story that are added to subsequent data updates.
Note: If you build your story by selecting individual elements and not using the whole axis, the Show new elements option will not be available in the Settings menu.
Where to from here?
- Learn more about Analysis settings
- Learn more about saving an analysis to a Story
- Learn more about Percentage base