Become familiar with Harmoni terminology
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Keyword |
Definition |
Role |
A |
Active Entity |
Entities are the key work areas of Harmoni and provide a fast way to access the important entities within the Harmoni environment. The orange underline indicates the currently active entity. This allows you to know which entity workspace you have loaded. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Add data sources |
After uploading/connecting to a data source, you can add multiple data sources to your project. Add separate data sources to the same project:
Creator |
Add to story |
No story active
Creator Explorer Viewer |
One of the key Harmoni entities. ALERTS is located in the Global Menu Bar. Creators and explorers can set up an alert on a single number (datapoint) in their story view. |
Creator Explorer |
Alerts and notifications |
Any single number, that is part of a saved view in a story or dashboard, can have a threshold or significance setting applied to it. When data is updated, and the threshold is met, a data alert is sent and changes can be viewed via a mobile app or on the alerts dashboard in Harmoni. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Analysis |
An analysis is a table/chart created by dragging variables from the project tree into the analysis zone of Harmoni. Analyses can be saved as views in a story. |
Creator Explorer |
Analysis drop zones |
Items from the project tree can be dragged to multiple drop zones within the analysis zone. Analysis drop zones include Down, Across, Filter, Measure, Percentage Base, and Weight. |
Creator Explorer |
Analysis default settings |
"Out of the box" settings when you start interacting with Harmoni to create an analysis. |
Creator Explorer |
Apply Base |
In an analysis, instead of using the default Total, the base can be forced to be some predefined value. Harmoni allows you to set a base to an axis, an element, or multiple items. A base applied in the project tree will change the denominator when creating an analysis. |
Creator |
Append data sources |
Append allows you to add new variables to respondents or cases within a project when information of common respondents is captured in separate data sources. |
Creator |
Automation |
When a new source is loaded into a project, Harmoni applies first pass automation. During updates, Harmoni automatically assigns the project definitions applied to previous sources. Automated design is applied unless you are using Infotools X-files or specifically unselecting when loading your sources. |
Creator |
Axis |
An axis is a discrete variable with elements for each response. It contains elements that group data records. For market research data, an axis is typically a question, and elements are typically a response or answer to a question. |
Creator Explorer |
B |
Base |
In an analysis, the base is used when calculating percentages, and averages. In Harmoni, the default is to use the Total as a base. Different bases can be applied either by using apply base in the project tree or by setting the percentage base in the analysis.
Creator Explorer Viewer |
C |
Clear analysis |
Allows resetting the analysis while retaining all of your project tree interactions. |
Creator Explorer |
Color Scheme Toggle |
Allows toggling the color scheme (light/dark)
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Combine axis |
Axis created by combining multiple questions into one new item using combine items, or by automation when merging single response questions into multiple response questions on creating a new project. |
Creator Explorer |
Combine element |
Element created by combining multiple elements into one new item using combine items. |
Creator Explorer |
Combine items |
Combine under construct from the design menu, allows combining multiple items together. You can combine axes together into a single variable or combine elements together into a single element. |
Creator Explorer |
Common items |
Variable and/or responses exist across all sources in the project. |
Creator Explorer |
Connect to a data source |
Allows connecting to live data sources to create a project. |
Creator |
Construct |
The options under construct in the design menu allow creating customized constructions/user-created axes. |
Creator Explorer |
Constructions |
Harmoni allows you to create new items or customized constructions to suit your analysis and reporting requirements. New variables can be created using items that already exist in the project, or with user-entered values. |
Creator Explorer |
Creator |
The highest level of access, permission, and control. With this role, you have access to the full set of available tools and capabilities of Harmoni, and it allows you to create and distribute both projects and outputs from it. |
Creator |
Cross tab |
In Harmoni, we call a cross tab an analysis. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
D |
Dashboard |
A dashboard is a page that contains text, analysis, image, or embed containers. Dashboards can also be saved as views in a story. The terms pages and dashboards are used interchangeably. |
Creator |
One of the key Harmoni entities. DASHBOARDS is located in the Global Menu Bar. Only Creators can create and share dashboards. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Data source |
A data source is at the core of all you do in Harmoni. To create a project in Harmoni, you need to connect or upload a data source. A Harmoni project can contain multiple sources. |
Creator |
Date flag |
An axis can be flagged as a date axis in the data design options. This enables an offset reference to be applied, and will automatically generate a line chart when choosing to visualize. |
Creator |
Define data sources |
Harmoni automatically maps source variables into Harmoni types when data sources contain an inherent dictionary. Some data files like Excel XLXS, comma-delimited - CSV, or tab delimited-TXT, do not contain an inherent dictionary and therefore need to be defined. |
Creator |
Delete data sources |
Allows the project owner to delete data sources no longer relevant to a project. |
Creator |
Delete project |
Projects can be deleted by the project owner. Deleting a project will also delete all the associated data, stories, and dashboards. |
Creator |
Descriptor |
Descriptors are the variables you want to use for profiling in a Discover analysis. Descriptors can include demographic, psychographic, or behavioral variables or some combination of all these. |
Creator Explorer |
Design menu |
The options under the design menu allow formatting items in the project Tree. You can also find options to create customized constructions. |
Creator Explorer |
Direct Connections |
Direct connections to API's allow data to flow into Harmoni in real-time. |
Creator |
Direct export to Excel or PowerPoint |
Allows exporting your analysis or dashboard to Excel or PowerPoint without having to save it as a story. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Discover analysis |
Discover is a tool to profile a target group against a set of descriptor variables. It will show you which of these descriptors best describe your group and compare these with other groups. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Download Data Sources |
Allows the project owner to download data sources associated with a project. |
Creator |
E |
Edit mode |
In order to shape and publish your project, you need to enable the edit mode. |
Creator |
Element |
A category within a variable. A response to a question; an item in an axis. |
Creator Explorer |
Entity Menu/Curtain |
Clicking one of the entity areas opens a curtain overlay and presents various options to load, manage or share the entities within Harmoni. To close the entity: Click on: the entity name, the space just below the overlay curtain, or the X at the top right. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Entity Ownership |
Items you own display the icon Items shared with you display the icon Hovering over these icons will also show you the entity's owner(s) name. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Entity Search |
You can search for a specific project, story, dashboard, etc. Typing in the search box limits the list displayed to only those items that contain the search parameter. This search is based on the title of the entity.
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Entity Sort |
The entities can be sorted by alphabetical name and most recent. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Entity Tiles |
The entity tile gives you information about the item (name, type, ownership) and a few interactions/hover options to manage or view/load. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Entity Title |
The name of the entity actively loaded is displayed in orange-colored text. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Explorer |
This role allows users to explore the data. Explorers can access projects and dashboards that have been shared with them. Explorers can create constructions and save and share analyses. |
Explorer |
Export design |
Export the designed project out of Harmoni to create new x-files or export label harmonization information. There are different options: Create new x-files, label map (harmonization information), label structure, and label structure including elements. |
Creator |
Expression Editor |
The expression editor is the interface by which the new item (construction) definition is entered. |
Creator Explorer |
F |
Favorite Icon |
A solid ‘heart’ appears next to any entity names you have favorited in Harmoni. You can access Favorites from the entity menu/curtain under the tile filters. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Fix to the top/bottom |
An item (i.e. axis or element) or multiple items can be fixed to the top or bottom of the relevant section or axis. |
Creator |
Flip |
Flips the analysis so what was across moves into the down dimension, and vice versa. This has the same functionality as clicking on the by between the across and down dimensions in the analysis title.
Creator Explorer Viewer |
G |
General Access |
Any person in this permission group will see the entity in the Shared with me tile filter of the entity menu. Access is still limited to the privileges of their Harmoni role (Viewer, Explorer, Creator). |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Global Menu Bar |
One of Harmoni's main menus. It is accessible from the very upper space of Harmoni. This menu bar provides actions and functions that have a "global" purpose. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Grid |
A grid contains a group of axes that have a common element list. Grids are created in a new project based on the automation algorithm. They can also be created using the add grid option from the grid menu under the design pane. |
Creator Explorer |
H |
Harmoni Entities |
Entities are the key work areas of Harmoni and provide a fast way to access the important entities within the Harmoni environment. Entity access/display is limited to your role (e.g., Creator, Explorer, Viewer) or site configuration. Harmoni key entities include Projects, Stories, Dashboards, and Alerts. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Harmoni hosting |
Harmoni is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Harmoni logo |
Navigation. Takes you back to your landing page. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Heading |
You can use headings to create logical groupings of variables and ease navigation. Headings are created by using the add heading option from the edit menu under the design pane. |
Creator Explorer |
Help and knowledge base |
Access to Knowledge Base and Support. You also have an option to contact |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Hide (Analysis) |
Hides the selected items from the analysis. Hidden items can be added back into the analysis by using the select menu. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Hide (Project Tree) |
Use to hide items from the project tree. Hidden items are not visible to another user when your project is published. |
Creator |
History Widget |
Shows all the places you have visited within the current session, ordered to show the most recent at the top. Click on an item to load/return to it. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
I |
Imported Data Sources |
Data sources that can be used to create a project by uploading to Harmoni. |
Creator |
Index / Indices |
The index represents the proportional difference between the percentage of an element and the percentage of the reference. In an analysis with a measure, indices show the proportional difference between the ∑% a measure and the ∑% of the reference. To calculate indices in your analysis, you can use the IND option available in the modify menu. |
Creator Explorer Viewer
Invalid Constructions (ERR) |
Harmoni automatically identifies "broken" constructions, as a result of a data source being removed or overwritten. Invalid constructions are shown in red in the project tree. You can also identify these by using the ERR icon under the project tree filters. |
Creator |
L |
Landing Page |
A landing page is the homepage of your site. The landing page can be customized. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Library/Editor |
Opens the expression editor. |
Creator Explorer |
Linked Axis |
A linked axis is a discrete variable constructed from a measure in Harmoni. A linked axis has a one-to-one relationship with the measure from which it was created. |
Creator Explorer |
Linked Element |
Elements within a linked axis. A linked element is created for each unique value in the measure the axis is linked to. |
Creator Explorer |
Load Project |
Opens/loads a project. You can access projects that you have created (Project Owner) as well as those that have been shared with you. |
Creator Explorer |
M |
Margin of Error (MoE) |
The option to calculate the margin of error (MoE) is available under tests in the modify menu. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Measure |
Measures are used to analyze continuous variables. Measures contain numerical values. Measures can be created using new measure option under construct from the design menu. |
Creator Explorer |
Measure Group |
A measure group is used to group measures together. Measure groups can be created using the new measure group option under construct. |
Creator Explorer |
Media Asset Sheet |
To enhance the visualization experience, you can associate images or videos with the data in Harmoni Dashboards. The media asset sheet identifies the item labels and the associated images and videos. |
Creator |
Modify menu |
Modify menu becomes available after creating an analysis. It allows you to interact with the analysis settings and change as needed to suit your specific reporting requirements. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Multiple reference significant differences (M-SIG) |
In Harmoni, you can perform multiple reference significance testing using M-SIG. Options for significance testing (SIG and M-SIG) are available under tests in the modify menu.
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Multiple Response Axis |
When a record is included in more than one element of an axis. During first pass automation, Harmoni scans the source file and creates multiple response questions from single response questions in your data. Multiple response axes are created where items with similar variable labels and common element lists are combined into a single item. |
Creator Explorer |
N |
New Project |
To create a project you can either click the New Project icon or click on the CREATE NEW button on the top right. You can create and manage projects and the associated data sources through PROJECTS in the Global Menu Bar.
Creator |
O |
Overwrite |
Overwrite allows you to replace a data source with updated data. |
Creator |
Owner Access |
Any person in this permission group has full ownership privileges for the entity. This includes full read/write access and the ability to change sharing/ownership permissions. By default, the original creator of the entity becomes the owner. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
P |
Percentage Base |
Percentage base drop zones allow an item or variable items to be specifically applied as the base for the analysis. This option is useful when:
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Preview as owner |
Preview mode allows users to see the project tree and unpublished data, and how that data flows into stories and dashboards before the project is published to a wider audience. |
Creator Explorer |
One of the key Harmoni entities. PROJECTS is located in the Global Menu Bar. PROJECTS is only available for Creators and Explorers. You can create, view, and manage projects and the associated data sources in the PROJECTS area. |
Creator Explorer |
Project |
A Harmoni Project is a collection of data sources that can be harmonized, designed, analyzed, visualized, and shared with others. Projects are created and accessed through PROJECTS in the Global Menu Bar. |
Creator Explorer |
Project design |
Project design is the process of turning raw source data into a project styled for analysis. |
Creator |
Project Owner |
The creator who creates the project. The project owner has the ultimate right to publish data changes to a broader group. |
Creator |
Project Rollback |
Project rollback allows the project owner to go back to the latest published version.
Creator |
Project Settings |
Project Settings allow the project owner to adjust the default analysis settings at a project level. The settings you define at a project level will apply when others create an analysis using your project and data. |
Creator |
Project Tree |
The dictionary for the loaded project. |
Creator Explorer |
Project Tree Icon Color |
The color of the icons indicates the commonality of items across multiple sources.
Creator Explorer |
Project Tree Filters
Project Tree filter options allow you to shrink the tree to the type of item required for either project design or analysis. Filters are located at the top of the project tree. |
Creator Explorer |
Projection |
Population Projection allows you to view analysis results as population figures and see the actual size of the market. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Published vs. private variables |
Variables created by the Project Owner are public variables that can be published to other users. Variables created by users that are not the Project Owner are private variables that only they can see. Ownership can be shared among Creators to enable other Creators' private variables to become public. |
Creator Explorer |
Publish |
Allows sharing your project and data with others. Publish is enabled every time there is a change in the project tree or when new data becomes available. Selecting the publish/share button opens the publish and sharing interface. You need to enable the edit mode in your project. |
Creator |
Q |
Quick Add |
When adding a view to an active story, or an existing story a small animation and a green tick indicate the view has been added to the story. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
R |
Rank |
A llows ranking of data by percentages or numbers.
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Record level data |
Each record represents a respondent, a log entry, a sales transaction, etc. |
Creator Explorer |
Remove data sources |
Allows the Project Owner to remove data sources from a project. |
Creator |
Rename Project |
Change the name of a Project. Projects can only be renamed by the Project Owner. |
Creator |
Reorder |
Allows shifting selected columns and/or rows. You must first select the column or row for the option to become available. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Reset Project Tree |
Reset tree option under the search or the design menu allows collapsing the project tree (collapse all). |
Creator Explorer |
Reset (Analysis) |
Reset clears your analysis and resets the project tree. Reset also returns the analysis settings to the default state. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Rollback |
Project rollback gives the project owner the option to restore a project going back to the latest published version. |
Creator |
S |
Search |
The search menu options allow finding items of interest in your project tree. |
Creator Explorer |
Select menu |
The select menu becomes available after creating an analysis. It allows you to interact with your selected analysis items (i.e. selectors). |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Sharing Permission Groups |
As a project, story, or dashboard owner, you can choose who and how you want other users to collaborate.
Creator Explorer |
Sharing Pane |
Sharing permissions are granted using the Sharing pane. |
Creator Explorer |
Single Response Axis |
Each record is only ever included in one element of an axis, for example, Gender. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Site |
In Harmoni, a company site is created for each client company. Each client’s data and metadata is stored in an independent database. A user can have access to multiple sites across multiple companies. It is within each site that projects reside. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Sort |
You can sort ascending/descending and fix project tree items into a particular order. |
Creator Explorer |
Sources |
Allows viewing the data sources associated with your project (Project Owner). You can also upload/connect, remove, delete, and download sources. |
Creator |
One of the key Harmoni entities. STORIES is located in the Global Menu Bar. You can view and manage Stories and the associated story views in the STORIES area.
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Story |
A story is a collection of saved views. Your views, and stories, can be shared with other users using the share feature. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Summary level data |
Summed and/or categorized data that can answer research questions about populations or groups of organizations. |
Creator Explorer |
Suppress zero |
Suppresses items where the numerator is zero. It only appears when nothing is selected in your analysis. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Suppress null |
Suppresses items where both the numerator and denominator are zero. It only appears when nothing is selected in your analysis. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
T |
Three dot menu
The 3-dot menu displays contextual options related to the entity tile. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Tile Display Filter |
Use the tile display filter to show only/all entities based on ownership, favorite, or shared states. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Time slider |
When creating an analysis with a time axis, the table automatically scrolls to the far right to show your latest results 'in view'. When choosing to visualize, the line chart also defaults to show the latest periods. The time slider is automatically available at the bottom of the chart. You can slide to reveal patterns over time. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Trendline |
After creating an analysis using a line graph, you can visualize the trend by selecting the trend option located in the drop-down menu. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
U |
Undo |
After creating an analysis, if you have made a mistake or want to undo an analysis step; you can use the undo button that appears on the top right of the Harmoni menu bar. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Unlisted Access |
Any person in this permission group is able to access the entity (Stories/Dashboards), but only if they have/know the direct link or pathway to it. For Projects, all users must have unlisted access as a minimum for them to see the data associated with the project in the stories and dashboards shared with them. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
Upload Data Sources |
Upload/import data sources to create a project. |
Creator |
User-created variables (UCA) |
Harmoni allows you to create new items or customized constructions to suit your analysis and reporting requirements. New variables can be created using items that already exist in the project, or with user-entered values. |
Creator Explorer |
User Roles |
Your experience in Harmoni is determined by your user role. Harmoni allows for three distinct levels of access to your site and projects: Creator, Explorer, and Viewer. |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
V |
Value |
Any element within your project tree, within an axis, or within an element set inside a grid, can be assigned a numeric value. At analysis, an average of the assigned values automatically displays when crossed against another axis, or for an individual axis by choosing to add the average calculation type from the modify menu. |
Creator Explorer |
Variable types |
In Harmoni, a project contains different items or variable types; these include Headings, Axes, Linked Axes, Grids, Measures, Measure Groups, Weights, and Verbatims. Variables may come straight from the data, or be constructed using other variables from the data or numerical values. |
Creator Explorer |
Verbatims contain raw text, they are used to analyze open-ended text. |
Creator Explorer |
View/add sources |
Allows you to view data sources in your project and add or update data in your project. |
Creator |
Viewer |
Recipient of created content such as stories, reports, and dashboards. A viewer can access stories, reports, and dashboards that have been shared with them and save their own stories from these shared dashboards and stories. |
Viewer |
Visualize |
Visualize menu becomes available after creating an analysis. It allows you to |
Creator Explorer Viewer |
W |
Weight is a continuous variable with numerical values. Weights are used to adjust the proportionality of the data records.
Creator Explorer |
X |
X-files |
Infotools proprietary files read by our legacy desktop application. |
Creator |